
Tiny Toes

Our group for parents, carers, babies and toddlers meets on Mondays at 9.30 – 11am.

Helen, Sandra and Jane will be here to welcome you! 

  • All are welcome, especially if you’re a Toddler.
  • Booking is not required
  • There is no charge, but donations will be gratefully received.


  • Sessions are during term-time only.



Keep up to data on our TinyToes facebook page.


Appeal for helpers
Tiny Toes Baby & Toddler Group is on Mondays in the church hall in term time 9.30-11am. If you can give 2 hours of your morning every once in a while, we would warmly welcome some more people on the team. Speak to Helen Ford if this is you!

Tiny Toes has been selected for the Co-op Local Community Fund and people can support us by choosing us as their nominated cause and swiping their member card when they shop for Co-op own brand items in Co-op.

Find us

Gossops Drive, Crawley, RH11 8LD

Vicar: Rev’d Ann Alexander 01293 277 078

Parish Office: 01293 344860