Our Team

Our Team

Rev'd Ann Alexander

Rev'd Ann Alexander


Ann has retired, as of 23rd June 2024, after 11 wonderful years at St Alban’s.

We send our thanks, for the 11 wonderful years she has given us all at St. Alban’s and our love, best wishes and prayers for the future she is yet to explore!

If you have a general parish enquiry please contact Jo in the parish office (Jo is only in the office on Wednesday from 10-4pm but messages can be left on the answerphone and will be picked up each week). on 01293 344 860 or email office@stalbansgossopsgreen.co.uk

Sarah Magrath

Sarah Magrath

Authorised Lay Minister

Sue Richardson

Sue Richardson

Finance Officer & Warden

Debbie Cowie

Debbie Cowie

Warden & Reader in Training

Bev Killick

Bev Killick

Reader in Training

Meg Miller

Meg Miller

PCC Secretary

Andy Hoare

Andy Hoare

Safeguarding Officer & PCC Member

Chris Cook

Chris Cook

Deputy Safeguarding Officer

Pastoral Visiting Team

Cathy Bryant

Cathy Bryant

Pastoral Visiting Team

Elsie Sanmogan

Elsie Sanmogan

Pastoral Visiting Team

Jane Sharpe

Jane Sharpe

Pastoral Visiting Team

Helen Ford

Helen Ford

Pastoral Visiting Team


Sue Richardson

Deb Cowie

Keith Ford

Jane Sharpe

Andy Hoare

Rob Higson

Emma Humphrey

Bev Killick

Madeleine Taylor

Helen Ford

Cissy Atwine