Finding Out

What’s Current

Rev’d Ann Retires

On Sunday 23rd June we said farewell to Rev’d Ann Alexander, as she retired after 11 wonderful years at St. Alban’s. No words were ever going to be enough to express our appreciation for all Ann has given over those 11 years and we all send her best wishes, love and prayers for the big move and the future yet to explore!

View the complete gallery of photos, kindly taken by Edward by Clicking Here, or by going to our Photos & Video Menu.

Service Sheet

Click below to download a copy of this weeks Service Sheet

News & Events

News and upcoming events, in the Parish and community.

Heart of Welcome Cafe

St Alban’s Welcomes You – A place to belong

Tiny Toes

Monday 9:30 – 11am. No Charge, but donations appreciated.

Prayer Breakfast

We’d love to welcome you to our Prayer Breakfast.

Safeguarding Policy

View all our policies via Our Policies menu

Grant Awarded

We are delighted to have received a grant from Allchurches Trust towards the building project here at St Alban’s. We aim to create a new accessible entrance, install toilets, new heating system, a refreshment area, and repair the tower. This work will benefit both the church and the local community. Thank you Allchurches Trust for your support.

Finding Out

More Information

About Us

Learn more about the Parish Church for Gossops Green & Bewbush


All are welcome! Find our more information on our weekly Services.

Finding Out

Giving & More

Parish Giving Scheme

For regular giving without the worry. Why not find out more and register now.

Giving via the Givt Ap

A new way to start or keep giving to help support our Church and buildings projects. 


Fundraise for St. Alban’s just by shopping online.  Everyone loves shopping. How easy is that!